
IMG 0991

Having been sold off by FostersSeppeltsfield is now owned by the same interests as Kilikanoon

In the processes involved with the sale the stocks of table wines were separated from the fortified stocks, so while there were table wines available to taste, they were going to be much the same as some of the range I’d sampled at Kilikanoon the day before. 

In any case, I wasn’t there for the table wines.

The starting point on the fortified trail was the Flora Fino (500mL $22), absolutely bone dry and an excellent aperitif or a delightful accompaniment to tapas. It was made from Palomino, as was the Clara Blanca Amontillado (500 mL $20), wine which had, believe it or not, sixteen years in wood. And it showed.

The third sherry on offer was the Vera Viola Oloroso, a semi-sweet wine that is, or so I was told, more in the Spanish style.

These are wines that are flying under the radar as far as popular taste in Australia is concerned. 

Tasting the Fortifieds

© Ian L Hughes 2021