Heading Towards Lunch

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A glance at the Restaurant menu revealed arm and a leg territory as far as lunch was concerned, but gave us a backup if we needed one on Friday.

Since I expect to find Verse 1 on wine lists on a reasonably regular basis, the visit was worth making. 

The Estate range impressive, but I doubt that I'll be going out of my way to order. However, at $172.80 for a dozen Rose, I could be tempted in the summer drinking department.

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The cellar door lady, while she mightn't have been as communicative as the previous two was still streets ahead of the pour and leave you to it brigade. She made a very interesting observation: I should ring and talk to place an order rather than shopping online. 

By this time the sun was well and truly over the yardarm and lunch beckoned, so the next stop was Hay Shed Hill, which rated a visit for a couple of reasons. 

For a start, their cafe looked like the best option for lunch, and we had a non-Halliday recommendation from a reliable source (thanks, Helen!).

© Ian L Hughes 2021