In which Roses Wilson and Hannaford (ex-Pink Finks, Party Machine) turn an offshoot of a serious proggish outfit (Sons of the Vegetal Mother) into the biggest thing in Australian rock at the time. Wilson rettained the spotlight in Mondo Rock, produced significant artists (Skyhooks) and built a solo career. Hannaford built a reputation as a great, but bastly under-rated guitaris. The rhythm section went on into other significant outfits including Jo Jo Zep and The Falcons and The Black Sorrows. Localy, somewhere between Iconic and Outstanding; internationally, they should have been Significant. File under: Legends, Missed Opportunities and Might Have Beens.
In the music library: Boogie! - Australian Blues, R & B and Heavy Rock from the 70's: Daddy Rocks Off: Hi Honey Ho (Live At Sunbury 1974)
Links: Wikipedia Official web site AllMusic Discogs Milesago Australian Music History