And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have, if you like, the guts of the matter. Hughesy's attempt to keep track of what he hears, what he's heard, what he thinks about it and where it fits into any larger picture. All of it over there, under Listings.
So we have an alphabetical listing of artists and outfits, and the intention is to start with a brief indication of who they are and where they fit into the big picture. We try to keep that to a paragraph, followed by a Rating and a File under reference.
From there we have a more detailed Introduction, a longer Biographical sketch or R.I.P. notice, depending on who they are, where they fit in, and whether they're still with us. R.I.P. notices were originally a separate section, with new content posted as significant figures passed. But we're losing them too quickly, and someone hasn't been able to keep up.
Then the important detail. First, a Discography,usually sorted into categories (Studio albums, Live albums, etc.)and in chronological order. Eventually, there will be a paragraph and a rating (at least) alongside everything that I've heard from that artist or outfit. Many will have a further At Length. The latter equates to the detailed review that was the original intention for every new recording I've bought over the past decade or so.
But it's difficult to keep up.
Until we reach that point, there's a listing of Albums reviewed here, those titles that have received a lengthy evaluation. We also have Rear Views (lengthy reflection on an album of some significance) and Retrospectives (a chronological and thematic discussion of someone's work as a whole, or period by period).
From there, we have further links that act as a virtual filing cabinet (Links), with connections to significant articles and interviews I've encountered over the years. In many cases, there are further links to significant YouTube content and, in some cases, Snippets (significant quotes and notes from print material stuck away for future reference. Throw in my reviews of biographies and autobiographies over on my Reading pages, and you have what amounts to a one stop shop covering music of interest here in the Little House of Concrete.