


Hughesy's assessment: Interestingy, two of the tracks here (The Indifference of Heaven and Piano Fighter), presumably recorded after the tour documented on Learning to Flinch don't come over as well in this setting and rate a notch lower here. On the other hand, Seminole Bingo is IMHO a classic, Similar to Rain is sublime and Mutineer would be a theme song in most other artists' repertoire.

But that repertoire already includes Poor Poor Pitiful Me, Carmelita,  Desperados Under the Eaves, Lawyers, Guns and Money, and Mr Bad Example, so it's not as if there's a deatrh of  noirish mayhem. Possibly not his best, but the bar is et high and, still,  Outstanding.

Track listing: Seminole Bingo; Something Bad Happened to a ClownSimilar to RainThe Indifference of HeavenJesus Was a Cross MakerPoisonous LookalikePiano FighterRottweiler BluesMonkey Wash Donkey RinseMutineer  

Classics:Seminole Bingo;

Almost there:Similar to RainThe Indifference of HeavenMutineer  

Worthwhile:Something Bad Happened to a ClownPiano FighterRottweiler BluesMonkey Wash Donkey Rinse

Solid:Jesus Was a Cross MakerPoisonous Lookalike

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© Ian Hughes 2015