Electoral redistribution sees numbers in Queensland Parliament increased from 32 to 42.

Livestock show under the auspices of the Queensland Pastoral Society in Clermont.

Police camp on the Burdekin, 40 km north of Charters Towers was named Dalrymple. 

Richard Daintree found good indications of gold at the headwaters of the Gilbert River and at Georgetown, originally known as Etheridge.

Hamilton Island described separately and named, possibly after a crew member of the survey vessel.

First large sugar mill in Mackay district, "Alexandra" owned by T.H. Fitzgerald in partnership with Scotsman John Ewan Davidson begins crushing.


4 The Burketown correspondent of the Port Denison Times reported  everybody in the district is delighted with the wholesale slaughter dealt out by the native police in ridding the district of fifty-nine (59) myalls.


Towns and Co Schooner Restless traded wool, tallow, hides and skins from Ellkins Bros boiling down works between Sweers Island and Batavia. 

© Ian Hughes 2013