Working on a project like About The North is often about little, seemingly insignificant, details that can be combined with other little details to produce a larger picture, Much historical research resembles a jigsaw puzzle.
But when you're looking for little details, they aren't always "out there".
Or, if they are, finding them will involve sifting through a vast range of what your search engine thinks you might be looking for.
You will then be faced with the task of sorting the facts from the fantasy, misinterpretation or the historical equivalent of what we have come to know as false news.
So, what has The Author done to deal with those issues?
First, throughout the About The North, where the content is presented as a narrative (6) people, places, events and terminology referred to in the text are footnoted, and in the iBook or PDF version of the document, footnotes appear at the bottom of the page.
It should be possible to read through the text without consulting a footnote, but they are present in a convenient location if required.