From there it was a matter of checking into the accommodation at the Vineyards Motel.
It's an unprepossessing establishment that had the advantage of being across the road from Vintners Restaurant, the venue we’d selected for dinner, and the adjacent Saturday morning Farmers’ Markets.
Dinner was an enjoyable and relaxed affair, involving the chicken and kangaroo dishes from the daily specials.
We'd got there before the rush (just as well, since we hadn't bothered to book).
The lingering daylight gave us something to look across as we pondered the menu and wine list.

I chose a glass of Tin Shed Cabernet Franc ($9) to go with the ‘roo, though the most memorable part of the evening came after we’d started the walk home.
The walk quickly became a run as we crossed Stockwell Road, pursued by rain.
Admittedly, the weather had been threatening to do something more than drizzle all day, but the Weather Gods had just about timed it to perfection.
We were almost exactly t the midpoint between restaurant and motel when the heavens opened..