And More...

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The pursuit of Wi Fi and the need to contact the Kyoto-based Sponge meant we neglected to book seats at the preferred eating destination (Pieno, just off the arcade-type thoroughfare) and while we'd planned to land on their doorstep around five, Wi Fi matters delayed things to the int where we could either spend a lengthy wait in the drizzle waiting for space to become available or look elsewhere.

Predictably, we looked elsewhere, but only as far as the Mar Bar, which was conveniently celebrating a fourth birthday and supplied us with complimentary Cava as we surveyed the menu. That's not quite accurate, of course. 

The two girls surveyed the menu, passing comments and requests for guidance across the table. Really, I wasn't particularly concerned about the actual dishes involved, since we were in tapas territory, and if I didn't't like one I'd be right with the next provided no one headed off into extreme territory.


Everything, however, proved quite toothsome, and while the glass of white that followed the Cava was a little on the sweeter side of what I'd prefer, an unidentified fuller bodied red was quite tasty, to the point where I ended up with a third glass. 

Having seen Former Secretary off at Namba Station we made our way back to the hotel, making a final pass past the psychedelia alongside the canal with a diversion along the way to take a look at Hozenji Temple, all that's left of a major  17th century site after the main hall was demolished during World War II. Decorated with paper lanterns and tucked away in a relatively quiet neighborhood on an alley paved with stones and lined with old-style Japanese restaurants and bars. It's one of those places that's definitely worth a revisit, preferably when tiredness is removed from the equation.

© Ian Hughes 2012