And More...

Our next stop was the Visitors Centre, where we paid the fees and had a look at the interpretive material before completing the loop of the Gurianawa Track, and easy loop from the Centre back to the car park that offers a variety of views and assorted items of interest along the way. Actually, it's that variety of views, with the different features exposed as you look at things from a different perspective, that makes the exercise worthwhile.

Gurianawa takes you along another sealed track, and, for me, the highlight came right towards the end, just after I'd crossed a bridge and paused to read one of the interpretive panels, waiting for Madam to come into view.

Given the fact that photographers invariably take longer to traverse a walking track than the rest of us I tend to wander along at a slow meander, usually with the iPod playing away, pausing where I can find something to gaze at and waiting till I can spot Madam in the distance before meandering on.

Those little information panels are invariably useful places to pause and I was just about to start reading about whatever it was when my arrival sparked a flurry of activity from three nearby kangaroos.

My arrival on the scene might not, of course, have been the actual cause of the movement. It might have been something else, but the movement was towards the curve that took the trail back towards the car park, so I had took the time to watch the three of them grazing, noting how well the grey fur blended with the vegetation, and pointing towards the group when the photographer hove into view.

Back in the car park we demolished the chicken and salad rolls bought at the Bakery before heading on to the third recommended location, the service trail than ran away from Camp Blackman that gives a panoramic view of the same section of the range visible from Whitegum Lookout, from, of course, a slightly different perspective, before heading over to the Canyon Parking Area for a ramble along the nature walking trail, which was a pleasant enough, if not overly scenic stroll, until a slight complication set in.   More...

© Ian Hughes 2012