Be warned, though. They’re not cheap, and almost impossible to find. While I was sampling the wares, another gentleman inquired about availability in Sydney. Two outlets were mentioned, one of them being The Oak Barrel (which I know and visit whenever I’m in Sydney).
There was also a slight chance he might find some in a Dan Murphy’s, but it was a case of not holding your breath.
The Woolworths subsidiary had been pestering them for stock for a while, and they’d finally relented. So, the bloke behind the counter recounted, we sent them a pallet. That’s all they’re getting.
Understandable. The entire Lark Distillery annual output, according to the same source, is probably less than what Glenfiddich loses every year through evaporation. Do the maths. Up to twelve hundred litres per month times twelve and you’ll have reasonable change out of fifteen thousand litres.
Dunno how many litres there are in a pallet, but you can see why Dan Murphy’s only got one. Lark seems to be doing a fair job of selling everything they can produce, so why would you?
A look at the Distributors page at suggests reasonably wide distribution into niche markets without having to deal with bulk sellers.
Having made the purchases we were sort of at a loose end and were considering ways to kill a bit of time. A walk around the wharves was one possibility, but it started spitting. We decided discretion was the better part of Valerie and Valerie needed an umbrella or two and headed back to base to get them. Da Angelo, and Home to Bed