Beneath the statues on the central dais the body of the first Fujiwara lord, Kiyohira is interred. The left holds the body of his son, Motohira, and the right the body of Motohira's son Hidehira and the head of Hidehira's son, Yasuhira.
Walking around the network of paths that reach around a kilometre into the mountaintop forest there's more to Chusonji than the golden hall, though that is, of course, what draws the crowds. Other interesting buildings on site include a number of interesting buildings apart from those dating back to the Fujiwara period. There's the Hondo (main hall), where the main rituals and rites are performed, a Treasure Hall that houses some impressive artifacts and a noh theater stage.

Having made our way around the temple, it was time for something solid in the way of sustenance, and given the number of tourists and sightseers in the area you'd probably expect a lengthy delay, though one hoped the majority of those inclined to seek out lunch were in the process of being delayed by the booming drums and the Noh theatre performance we'd bypassed.
We were on a sealed side track, separate from the path we'd followed on the way up when we passed a seemingly innocuous building with some Japanese signage out the front. I'd probably have wandered past, but Our Host pulled us up, took a squiz at the sign and suggested we head inside. The description of what we'd be getting inside wasn't the sort of thing that would prompt an immediate Yes! But, on the other hand, if we could get in that took the lunch issue right off the agenda.