Cheeses for Dinner


As someone who likes to take his time in a tasting environment I wasn't inclined to begrudge them their opportunity to converse with the girl behind the counter and the topics discussed helped create a sort of continuing conversation that persisted after the camper van people had gone.

Along the way, we picked up on some sort of GPS hot spot treasure hunt (it might be geocaching, though I may well be wrong).

In any case, we eventually departed with a sample of the GrandVewe product that would probably serve as supper some time over the next couple of days and set off in search of the night's accommodation at Nierinna Rise.

Nierrina View.jpg

After a couple of days' fairly solid dining, we were ready for a lighter night, and a B&B located at a comfortable distance from the nearest restaurant, tucked away a couple of kilometres down a side road outside Margate seemed likely to ensure it.

When we booked in, predictably, we found our hosts had an appointment to dine out that night and had been scanning the horizon for a couple of hours in case departure time arrived before the guests did. That might call previous comments about considerable distances from restaurants into question, but they had the benefit of local knowledge and practice at finding their way home in the dark, didn't they?

In any case, with a hefty backlog of Travelogue that needed to be filled in, I spent the next couple of hours tapping away, filled up on bread, cheese and Freycinet Cabernet Merlot and tucked myself into the cot for an early night. We weren't quite headed off at sparrow fart in the morning, but the plan was to reach the Kettering rendezvous well before 8:40, and early to bed sat well with the re-synced body clock.

Day Seven: Margate > Bruny Island > Kingston

© Ian Hughes 2012