And More Again...

To be quite honest, I’d more or less had enough by the time we got back to the hotel, located in the downtown business district, which meant dining options in the immediate neighbourhood were few and far between. Instead I opted for a takeaway snack, a couple of beers from a convenient vending machine and the chilled bottle of Steingarten while bringing my travel notes up to date as ‘Er Indoors slipped in and out of the room to monitor the progress of a load of washing.

The Steingarten with its lemon/lime characters on the nose as well as on the palate, provided a wonderful wind-down after what had been a rather wearing, and at times quite chaotic, day.

In fact, several days later I heard ‘Er Indoors use a word that sounded awfully like Kyotic to describe the circumstances, adding a new word to our personal dictionaries.

Kyotic: (adjective) State of utter chaos as experienced in Kyoto on a sunny sakura Sunday.

© Ian Hughes 2012