Reviewing the Music (Part 3)

These days I try to write something about everything I buy, though the results of repeated listens may take a while to appear. Much of that stems from the process I've set up whereby new acquisitions permeate their way up through a series of numbered smart playlists, on their way to the iPod playlists I use when I'm on the road or out and about.

Everything needs to be heard at least three times, and with a large quantity of bootleg/unofficial material and the contents of those CDs you find on the front of your favourite music magazines you mightn't need to hear that often in there the lists where the Play Count is Three or Four tend to be substantial, so there's always the chance something will end up lurking unnoticed in those parts.

Things also tend to slow down when there's something to prevent me from repeated listenings - a spell on the road, or, particularly, the Test cricket season. 

© Ian Hughes 2012