
Jeff Tamarkin’s familiarity with the group’s history and discography coupled with meticulous research work, extensive interviews and direct access to the members of the band, make Got A Revolution! indispensable for both long term fans and readers with a casual interest in the life and times of one of the most significant bands to come out of the 1960s.

Not that Tamarkin confines himself to the band’s heyday. He tells the whole story from the band’s emergence through its reincarnation as the Jefferson Starship in the seventies, past the Reagan/MTV era of the eighties and into the various reunions and realignments that have continued into this century.

There’s an epilogue which brings readers up-to-date, a list of internet resources, an eight page discography that would have been much more substantial if Tamarkin had included album track-listings (and, at eight pages it’s obvious why he didn’t) and a bibliography that’s about the same length.

Essential reading for anyone with an interest in the history of rock music.

© Ian Hughes 2012