John Harvey

Harvey looks, on the basis of what I’ve encountered to date, to be a reliable bet when you’re looking for something to read and there’s nothing else in the vicinity that catches the eye. While I’m not setting out in hot pursuit of everything he’s done I’ll be happy to give anything with his name on the cover a go. 


  • Minor Key, a collection of short stories with a few poems tacked onto the end. Jazz-loving Charlie Resnick is worth investigating further.
  • Cold in Hand, where Resnick’s main squeeze gets embroiled in a controversial shooting as she tries to break up a gang brawl on Valentines Day with fatal results. Excellent read, will be looking for more.

On My Shelves:

  • Cutting Edge, the third book in the Resnick series, where someone is cutting up (literally) staff from a Nottingham hospital. Good, well-written with a nice twist at the end. Don’t know if I’ll be buying the rest, but worth keeping an eye out for in the el cheapo boxes.

Off Minor

Investigate availability of

Standalone novels:

In A True Light (2001)

Gone to Ground (2007)

Nick's Blues (2008 - novella)

Far Cry (2009)

A Darker Shade of Blue (2010)

Charlie Resnick series:

Lonely Hearts

Rough Treatment

Wasted Years

Cold Light

Living Proof

Easy Meat

Still Water

Last Rites

Trouble in Mind

Cold in Hand

© Ian Hughes 2012