Jonathan Coe

The word from Wikipedia is that there’s an underlying preoccupation with political issues running through Jonathon Coe’s work, often expressed comically in the form of satire.  The same article notes he’s also a lifelong fan of Canterbury progressive rock in general and a little known but much loved in these parts band called Hatfield and the North in particular.

Based on that minor detail, and the possibility that someone who contributed original material and played keyboards for a feminist cabaret group, Wanda and the Willy Warmers has something of the same surrealist tendencies as the band who gave us Going Up to People and Tinkling, Lobster in Cleavage Probe and Gigantic Land Crabs in Earth Takeover Bid, I suspect Mr Coe’s work may warrant further investigation.


The Accidental Woman (1987)

A Touch of Love (1989)

The Dwarves of Death (1990)

What a Carve Up! or The Winshaw Legacy (1994)

The House of Sleep (1997)

The Rotters' Club (2001)

The Closed Circle (2004)

The Rain Before It Falls (2007)

The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim (2010)

Expo 58 (2013)


Humphrey Bogart: Take It and Like It (1991)

James Stewart: Leading Man (1994)

Like a Fiery Elephant: The Story of B. S. Johnson (2004)

© Ian Hughes 2012