Y. A. (Yvette) Erskine

Eleven years in the Tasmanian Police, an honours degree in early modern history with a Doctorate in progress an a spell teaching High School  Yvette Erskine spent eleven years in the Tasmania Police Service. She was active in frontline policing, served as a detective in the CIB and as an investigator in a high-profile, two-year covert task force investigating an international abalone smuggling ring. In her spare time she was member of the elite Protective Security Section, was present the day the Queen narrowly avoided being taken out by a disgruntled republican wielding a rotten tomato in Launceston.

Based on the strength of The Brotherhood, I'll be keeping an eye out for further titles. From the advance publicity concerning The Betrayal it seems we may be in for a series based around Lucy Howard (The Probationer in The Brotherhood)


  • The Brotherhood (2011), where all-round good guy Sergeant John White is murdered when called out to a burglary in progress. From the start it’s fairly clear what happened at the scene of the crime, but the investigating officer finds disturbing material on his colleague’s body and the big question concerns how it got there and what its presence means.

From there, the story unfolds over fourteen hours or so, with flashbacks filling in the details  as the victim’s colleagues, friends and family take in the news and the suspect, his lawyer and the local media go about getting their stores sorted out. As that happens, chapter by chapter, the reader gets a gradually unfolding insight into what’s going on with unexpected connections turning up as the details are filled it. It’s an interesting narrative technique and marks Erskine as someone worth watching for.  

Investigate availability of:

The Betrayal

© Ian Hughes 2012