Since we’re talking departure day and a flight due to depart in the late afternoon, we had no specific plans for the day when breakfast arrived.
A discussion about our intentions resulted in a recommendation we head north and turn off the West Tamar Highway at Rosevears, then follow the road along the edge of the river, undoubtedly the best piece of travel advice we’d received on the trip. Many thanks, Fred.
Two detours off the highway took us past scenes of jaw dropping beauty with a wow factor of several million - so high, in fact, that after lunch at Carbone’s Cafe at Beauty Point we decided to make the trip in reverse on the way to the airport.
The southbound journey didn’t seem quite as spectacular as the northern leg. I suspect that the fact we knew more or less what lay in store might have been a contributory factor in that.
On the way north, we’d stopped briefly at the Artisan Gallery & Wine Centre, where a hand crafted timber wine rack caught the eye (it’s a pity we don’t have room for it in The Little House of Concrete).