Although we've got this digital publishing sorted, there'll be people who think a hard copy of what lurks hereabouts would be a good idea, but consider these few points:
First, a hard copy means a print run, and a print run means a pile of copies that will need to be sold.
Second, a print run means spending money that would otherwise be spent on something else and would need to be recouped.
Third, a print run for each of those lavishly illustrated Travelogues would cost an arm and a leg.
Fourth, every new trip means we've added something to one of the Travelogues, so we'd need to print a new edition. We'd end up with a lot of unsold copies of previous editions piled up in Hughesy's office.
Fifth, there are definite phyical limits to the size of a hard copy that don't apply when you're talking a digital copy.
Sixth, we've now got four separate sets of iBooks:
The Fiction Projects (soon to be two or maybe even three titles)
The Non-Fiction Projects (two projects, a minimum of nine titles underway)
Historical Resources: About the North (copyright-free material relating to North Queensland garnered from sources like Project Gutenberg, transferred into formats that suit my purposes and pasted into an iBooks Author document).
Historical Resources: World Exploration (copyright-free material relating to exploration in general garnered from sources like Project Gutenberg, transferred into formats that suit my purposes and pasted into an iBooks Author document).
The Travelogues (five titles, with regular updates as new excursions take place).