To repeat previous comments:
Deep red in the glass with a nicely perfumed nose and a soft balanced mouth feel and some length on the finish. It'll be interesting to see how this develops in the short to medium term.

Which brings us to the first of the bottles of 2008 Pinot Noir, which is very much along the same style and ticks the same boxes: vibrant red in the glass, perfume on the nose with a supple mouth-feel. Very nice, and a further step along the road away from Pinot-scepticism.
Given the bottles of the ‘07 maturing quietly in the wine fridge, the likelihood of a couple of bottles of the different Pinot permutations in each of the Brook Eden packs every year and Hughesy’s agenda of investigating other varietals along the way, however, it looks like we’re about right for Pinot at the moment.
While I could line up for a half-dozen of the ‘08 (don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking the wine in any way) I suspect that’s only likely to happen if I discover a need for a similar quantity of the current version of the Pinot Rose. which is quite possible with summer looming on the horizon...