When you really get down to tin tacks, it’s this section, the Tastings notes and The Winedex that are the raison d’etre of the site. The places under the various state headings in the list on the left are some of the wineries we’ve visited over the past five years, and covers the ones I’ve been moved to write about.
As a result, there isn’t much about, say, our visit to the Hunter in December 2005 because I didn’t take notes and didn’t sign up for any mailing lists. That only kicked in when we got to Victoria and that wasn’t until we reached Tahbilk after two days in the Yarra Valley. Both those visits were pre-Little House of Concrete Website, so there wasn’t a purpose to encourage serious note-taking.
While there are references to wineries in the Tasmanian Travelogues, given the fact that we only subsequently ended up buying from two wineries is going to keep the Tasmanian entries to the left relatively minimal.
I only started to get serious about keeping records of winery visits when we got to Clare in November 2008, and it has taken a while to work out what’s worth recording and how to do it. At first I thought an essay on each purchase or delivery was the way to go, but at the moment I’m inclined to try a separate page for each state with separate entries for each winery numbered.
That looks like it’ll work, but how things work out in practice may be an entirely different kettle of fish!
The notes, such as they are, are meant to assist with Hughesy’s on-going wine purchasing program. If they’re of use to anyone else, that’s fine, but it’s hardly the main object of the exercise.
If you’re looking for what I thought about a particular wine, the best way to track it down is probably through The Winedex...