Kinky Friedman When the Cat’s Away

In When The Cat's Away, the Kinkster gets a further opportunity to explore the ramifications of his interactions with the feline of the species. One cat disappears, a couple of literary agents bite the dust, the Kinkster finds himself in the middle of a disagreement between rival Columbian drug cartels, Ratso installs himself as a housepest on Vandam Street and in the long run the mystery is solved by feline intuition.
The movement away from the standard whodunnit continues through Frequent Flyer, where the Kinkster attends the funeral of a Peace Corps colleague, only to find that the gentleman being buried bears no resemblance to the aforementioned colleague. In this case, a phone call from the departed's fiance takes us on a journey through various jungles between Borneo and Bayonne in search of blue-eyed white tigers, Nazi war criminals with the odd fatality, conflagration and an abundance of confusion along the way.