The Current State of Play

I've been getting phone calls from people who want to sell me wine. Not that I'm objecting when they're offering 20% off wines I've rated as 5/5. At the same time I've got a slight problem with the month's credit card budget a little over half way through the four week cycle.
As a result I'm dreading the ringing phone.
All of which suggests it's time to review the current state and future tends of Hughesy's buying habits. Like everything else on the site, what follows is a meditation intended to clarify my own thoughts, and if it turns out to be of interest/benefit to anyone else that's a bonus.
Having reached the point where I can meet my drinking requirements without heading to the bottle shop there needed to be some shaking out on the Wine Club front. A couple of long term memberships have already fallen by the wayside. The Rothbury Estate Society no longer bears any resemblance to the organization I signed up for back in the seventies. They're now effectively, from what I can gather, a direct marketing extension of Fosters and Cellarmasters, and is now the Rothbury Wine Society, thank you very much. Cellarmasters seem to have taken over the Hunter Valley Wine Society, which apparently continues under its own banner. I was on board in the eighties, but have no idea what the current state of play on that front might be.