2006 Polish Hill River Riesling

On a jaunt around beautiful downtown Bowen I needed to pop into the supermarket to buy some cheese. That involved walking past the liquor barn, which provided an excuse to duck inside for a gander at what was on special. There, right before my beady eyes was what looked like the remaining stock of Paulett 2006 Polish Hill River Riesling marked down to $13/bottle, provided you were buying at least two.
Before I’m accused of acting on impulse, I should point out that I proceeded to mull over the various possibilities as I made my way around the aisles of the supermarket. The way home took me back past the liquor barn, so, having mapped out a rough strategy, I popped back in, prompting an inquiry as to whether I was needed assistance.
These bottles here, I pointed out, are $26 for two. That’s thirteen dollars each, isn’t it?
Yes, came the reply. But Only if you’re buying two.
Fine, I responded. How many bottles have you got?
The question prompted some interest from a couple who happened to be browsing the same wine rack.