It’s rapidly becoming obvious that some practices I thought were practical when I started out aren’t quite so workable as time goes on. It’s not, for example, always possible to work up a long essay on every album I buy, every wine I sample or every library book I read.
There’s also the small matter of generating content for Hughesy’s bi-monthly newsletter.
The Wine Pages now have a section dedicated to monthly tasting notes, so I figured the same approach might work with albums. There’s still room for longer Reviews and Rear Views, but here are the Album Notes, helpfully sorted by year and with a separate section for the content going in the next bi-monthly newsletter.
The Ratings:
5* Essential.
4.5* Highly recommended.
4* Quality recording worth a serious listen.
3.5* Interesting but non-essential.
3* Fair effort without anything to attract attention.
2.5* Others may go for this, but not my cup of tea.
2* Nothing to recommend this.
1.5* Why bother?
1* Avoid
0.5* Run very quickly in the opposite direction.