Much of what’s currently included in these articles is drawn from those ubiquitous twenty-first century founts of all knowledge Google and the Wikipedia.

That's probably unavoidable since source material on, say, the history of Laos or the Malaysian Confrontation isn't exactly thick on the ground on my bookshelves or in the public libraries in Bowen and the Gold Coast.

As a result I've taken my recollections, checked with those on-line sources to get the chronology and create a starting point and plan on revising those articles as I find something that relates to what's already there. I hope at some point, for example, to have the opportunity to read Bob Hering's biography of Sukarno, and when I do it will no doubt provide information that will help fill out my understanding of what went on during Konfrontasi.

Those factors, of course, mean that these pieces will probably never be finished, but they're not meant for serious academic purposes.