As in, How does this thing work? and How has it evolved?

Like most things Hughesy becomes involved in, what started as a rather straightforward exercise in blogging about the halcyon days when they were shooting Baz Luhrmann’s Australia at the foot of Bowen’s main street. Once the shooting was over, I had a go at keeping the blog going by tapping out a few thoughts in other areas, and later in 2007 (or maybe early 2008, the old memory’s a bit cloudy as to details unless there’s something concrete to hang ‘em on) I picked up a copy of Apple’s iLife software bundle, which contained iWeb, and a bit of thought produced the metaphorical Little House of Concrete, where arriving at the home page of the site was akin to turning up at my front door.
iWeb’s inbuilt limitations (the navigation bar at the top of the screen being the major one) meant that content relating to Music, Wine and Reading were soon being hived off to their own sub-sites, with what was left remaining in The Original LHoC.
News that MobileMe, which had served to host that content, was going to disappear in mid-2012 meant I needed a new host and, given Apple’s disinterest in upgrading iWeb (hardly surprising, it was an obvious shill to attract customers to the first incarnation of MobileMe) new software that worked in roughly the same template-driven way. I’m currently using RapidWeaver, which does the job pretty well, and publishing to by own domain name, which is where you’ve landed,isn’t it? (I assume you’re seeing in your browser’s navigation bar).
Ventures off into the Blogosphere via a suite of LHoC themed blogs is probably going a little over the top, but helps the process of refining and editing the draft versions of what I’ve tapped out here in the office.
Where it’s going from here is, more than likely, more of the same but if not, you’ll probably find an explanation hereabouts as I start the task of shifting things onto another platform...