Day 9: Gold Coast

A good night's sleep and a casual spot of breakfast the following morning saw us pushing off from Varsity Lakes just after ten, and the twenty minute drive back to Southport passed without incident. Back at base, I wasn't really expecting anything in the way of incoming phone calls, so I wasn't too disappointed when none arrived.
With three days to ourselves, or largely to ourselves (Madam had arranged to meet a blog acquaintance on the Tuesday, and there was a possibility of a call from Foxy along the way) this was effectively the R&R leg of the trip, so there's not much to record. Hughesy tapped away, Madam blogged, and we both caught up on some reading.
Thoughts of the old Interesting Times project had me flicking the iPad over to the Kindle app, where I'd added Barry Miles' London Calling to the library, and I spent a good part of the day reading about the antecedents of the London underground scene that gave us Pink Floyd and the Crazy World of Arthur Brown.
So, largely, that was Sunday. Pork chops and risotto for dinner, a Madam-endorsed break from eating out, was rather tasty, and there were leftovers to minimise the cooking process on the morrow.