Bits and pieces have appeared elsewhere, but this, reputedly is the whole show (or a replica of a whole show) or very close to it.
Hughesy's assessment: The studio albums are spotty, but I have a long-held soft spot for some of the set pieces. Here, in the live setting, they've cherry-picked the repertoire and the results, arguably, all The Nice you (or in this case, I) need. On that basis, Worthwhile, though one notes the occasional use of the Skip button.
Track listing: Rondo; Ars Longa Vita Brevis; Little Arabella; She Belongs To Me; Country Pie; Five Bridges Suite; Hang On To a Dream; Intermezzo: Karelia Suite; America; War and Peace
Classics: Rondo; America;
Almost there: She Belongs To Me; Intermezzo: Karelia Suite; War and Peace
Solid: Country Pie; Five Brdiges Suite; Hang On To a Dream;
Not for this Little Black Duck: Little Arabella;
Skip the drum solo: Ars Longa Vita Brevis;