Things change, and as we head along the digital publishing track and accumulate material it becomes obvious that what used to work when we were starting off doesn't quite cut the mustard a bit further down the track.
The original Little House of Concrete Wine Pages, for example, tended to feature lengthy essays concerning the contents of a box that arrived on the doorstep. It was a case of open the box, start the article, add the tasting notes as we moved through the contents, whack it on the site and add extra detail as the rest of the box got knocked over.
This was, you understand, before the advent of the LHoC Wine Rack blog, and the decision to stop taking Regular Tasting Dozens from The Wine Society.
We're still getting regular tasting pack from other sources, but given the fact that they're coming from individual wineries, discussion of the contents might fit better under Wines & Wineries or Tastings rather than this section of the site, which is largely devoted to material I'm less likely to come back to...