Tuesday, 29 October 2013

There’s a song on the first album by the Incredible String Band called Footsteps of the Heron that sums up the vibe from the start of the Day Nine morning, particularly in the chorus:
And I've nothing to do,
And I've nowhere to go;
I'm not in the slightest way upset. I'm not chasing a hope,
Or a dream or a plan;
And I'm not even chasing the sunset.
In contrast to the preceding eight days, there was, virtually, nothing on the agenda, apart from a vague notion to head southwards until around lunchtime, then loop back into Hobart, possibly diverting to take in the view from the top of Mount Wellington along the way.
Taking a glance at the map will reveal there’s not a whole lot down to the south of Dover, which was where we’d be starting from, and even less when you took out unsealed roads. The Blue Bug was, after all, the property of a car rental operation, and they tend to take a dim view of unsealed roads.
A glance at the map revealed the bitumen actually ran out at Ida Bay, just on the other side of Southport, though the road onwards from there looked to be OK on the map. That might get us as far as Catamaran on Recherche Bay, but it would definitely be a case of taking a look at the condition and making up the mind then.