Rant: A Trans-Atlantic Question

Some of Ben Herman's Poll Questions don't require a great deal of thought. 

HughesyBeachWIt's easy enough to figure out whether, for example, you wear a watch. Some require a little more thought, but there aren't too many that lend themselves to lengthy in-depth analysis. Perhaps this one doesn't either, but it arrived in my in-tray a few hours before I was due to head to Townsville for one of those medical procedures that tend to follow positive results in blood tests.

Nearing sixty, there's always the chance the procedure isn't going to bring good news (a prospect you tend to prefer not to dwell on), and, in any case, the advance publicity over the lead-up to this particular one was such that I didn't want to spend a lot of time thinking about that side of things either.

Faced with the possibility of a sleepless night and the chronic paranoia that would probably accompany the transit of the saline purgative through Hughesy's digestive system it was probably going to be healthy to have something else to ponder and even possibly scribble a few notes about along the way.

As things transpired, the purgative process wasn't as horrendous as the advance publicity had suggested, and there wasn't a whole lot of time spent on paranoid navel-gazing anyway.

But I'd started thinking things through and there's a bit to ponder there over the course of the morning walk over the next few days.

The question this time around involves a choice between the music of North America versus the British Isles and asks the respondent to choose which one to keep if forced to choose.


B© Ian Hughes 2012